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GenesisCE Authors Index

The following authors and editors have contributed to the courses currently available on GenesisCE. If you are interested in contributing a course and getting your very own profile page, please contact us.

Abramowitz, Jonathan
Adames, Hector Y.
Allender, Dan
Andrews, Lewis M.
Angus, Lynne E.
Arkowitz, Hal
Baker, Ellen K.
Baker, Paul W.
Barnett, Jeffrey E.
Bauer, Mark S.
Becker, Ernest
Bernstein, Albert J.
Berrett, Michael E.
Block, Stanley H.
Brabeck, Mary M.
Brooks, David
Brown, Brene'
Bryant Block, Carolyn
Campbell, Jane M.
Canda, Edward R.
Carlson, Linda E.
Catlett, Joyce
Chapman, Gary
Chavez-Duenas, Nayeli Y.
Clear, James
Clinton, Timothy
Cloud, Henry
Corrigan, J.
Costin, Carolyn
Covey, Stephen R.
Crabb, Larry
Donaldson, Molla
Drisko, James W.
Du Plessis, Guy
Duncan, Barry L.
Earle, David W.
Edwards, Aleta
Engel, Beverly
Fader, Sarah
Falender, Carol A.
Figueroa, L.M.
Firestone, Lisa A.
Firestone, Robert W.
Flowers, Blaine
Fontes, Lisa Aronson
Frank, Jan
Freimuth, Marilyn
Furman, Leola D.
Geller, Shari M.
Glover Tawwab, Nedra
Gottlieb, Lori
Grady, Melissa D.
Greenberg, Leslie S.
Greene, B.
Greenwald, Devra E.
Hall, Donald P.
Hardman, Randy K.
Harris, Russ
Henry, Philip
Herlihy, Barbara
Hodge, D.R.
Hohman, Melinda
Hubble, Mark A.
Johnson, Josephine D.
Johnson, W. Brad
Kantor, David
Kelly, Jack
Kennedy, Becky
Kenney, Lynne
Kern Lima, Jamie
Kilbourne, Amy M.
Killam, Kasley
Kleinman, Arthur
Koch-Sheras, Phyllis
Kohn, Linda
Kraft, Julie S.
Kushner, Rabbi H.
Lamphear, Vivian
Linehan, Marsha M.
Longman III, Tremper
Ludman, Evette J.
Luxton, David D.
Maheu, Marlene M.
Malkin, Craig
Margolis, R.D.
Marich, Jamie
Marlar, Sherry
May, G. G.
McBride, Linda
Miklowitz, David
Miller, David
Miller, Scott D.
Miller, William
Monopoli, John
Monson, Candice M.
Murphy, John J.
Naar, Sylvie
Nakken, Craig M.
Nelson, Eve-Lynn
Nicholi, Armand M. Jr.
Nichols, Michael
Ohlschlager, George
Paul, Robert
Peterson, Jordan B.
Peterson, Tanya J.
Phelan, James
Phelan, Thomas
Pipher, Mary
Pope S., Kenneth
Real, Terrence
Rego, Simon A.
Richards, P. Scott
Rollnick, Stephen
Romano, John L.
Safren, Steve A.
Saleebey, Dennis
Sandor, Richard S.
Sawyer, Broderick A.
Schoenewolf, Gerald
Schubert Grabb, Gwen
Schulz, Marc
Seligman, Martin
Senarighi, Gina
Shafranske, Edward P.
Shapiro, Leslie J.
Shapiro, Shauna L.
Sheras, Peter
Shnaider, Philippe
Sichel, Mark
Smalley, Gary
Smalley, Michael
Sonne, Janet
Stortvedt, Dr. Colleen M.
Tate, Christine
Thistle, Suzanne
Townsend, John
van der Kolk, Bessel
Vasquez, Melba J.T.
Virkler, Henry
Wahlder, Michele
Waldinger, Robert
Walsh, Froma
Wampold, Bruce E.
Washton, Arnold
Webb, Chris
Wehrenberg, Margaret
White-McMahon, Meredith
Williams, Rebecca E.
Winfrey, Oprah
Wolpe, Rabbi D.
Yalom, Irvin
Zweben, J.E.