Course: NEW! A Practical Guide To Cultivating Therapeutic Presence
by Shari M. Geller, PhD
This course is new or has been updated recently. Being present as a psychotherapist is the fundamental state of mind that is the gateway to creating effective psychotherapy. In this masterful practical summary of a life's work, Shari M. Geller, PhD, powerfully guides us through the art and a science of developing the capacity to be present as clinicians so that our clients, our patients, and even our individual selves will benefit. This is an exquisite compendium of wisdom, research-based concepts, and useful practices that can help you enhance your clinical impact by developing therapeutic presence. Shari Geller, PhD, reveals in this guide that cultivating presence promotes healing. Without presence, effective therapy is compromised; with presence, the natural capacity for healing is released within the attuned and resonating relationship that cultivates trust and unleashes the innate drive for integration. Geller weaves the science of presence with practical steps for how presence can be cultivated more fully in our clinical work. Whether the reader is a young clinician or a seasoned veteran this guide can help you develop the 'therapeutic relational presence' that not only is key to effective psychotherapy but will also enhance your own mental and emotional and medical well-being. Educational ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, the clinician will be able to:
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Bio: Shari M. Geller, PhD Shari M. Geller, PhD, is an author, clinical psychologist, and supervisor with a commitment to mindfulness practices and a passion for rhythm and drumming. She has been involved in researching, writing, and training in therapeutic presence as a foundational approach to optimizing health care and therapeutic relationships. Dr. Geller coauthored (with Leslie Greenberg) the book, Therapeutic Presence: A Mindful Approach to Effective Therapy. She has released a companion CE on cultivating presence, with guided practices using the healing power of music and the health benefits of mindfulness. In collaboration with the American Psychological Association she has released a training video for therapeutic presence.Dr. Geller has a clinical and supervisory practice in Toronto and Grey-Bruce County. Dr. Geller serves on the teaching faculty in health psychology at York University and for the Applied Mindfulness Meditation program at the University of Toronto, and she is adjunct professor with Music and Health Research Collaboratory. She is the co-director of, The Centre for MindBody Health, offering mindfulness and compassion-based treatment and professional training. (Amended from the book: A Practical Guide to Cultivating Therapeutic Presence) |