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Course: NEW! The Art and Science of Mindfulness: Integrating Mindfulness Into Psychology and the Helping Profession (3rd Edition)
by Shauna L. Shapiro, PhD, Linda E. Carlson, PhD, Broderick A. Sawyer, PhD

CE Credit Hours: 11
Fee: $49

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This revised edition (Edition #3), includes the current research and theory related to mindfulness, with new sections outlining the neuroscience of mindfulness, boundary conditions of its growing application, and updated research on mechanisms of change and yet keeps the fundamentals central. It is essential to have a clear foundation, which can be continually augmented with current publications that highlight the most recent research, theory, and clinical applications.

Our intention is to offer those in the helping profession a foundation to explore the potential of integrating mindfulness into their work and their lives. Although an academic text, it is offered as part of a much larger conversation within psychology and the helping professions as a vehicle to explore and expand our visions of health and healing.

We invite you to read this book as a form of mindful contemplation, and we hope that it challenges you to discover new ways of being with yourself and the people whose lives you touch. Most important, we offer this book as a journey into the richness and beauty of mindfulness.

Educational Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the clinician will be able to:

  • Define mindfulness and describe some of the core components of the mindful practice, including awareness, intention, attention, and attitude.
  • Explain the theoretical underpinnings of mindfulness-based interventions and list several of the most evidence-based mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs).
  • List several of the potential benefits of a mindfulness practice for the therapist, helping professional, and patient.
  • Explain to a patient the potential benefits of a mindful practice, as well as some of the limitations.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the necessity of a personal mindfulness practice in order to use with patients and integrate mindfulness into daily life.
  • Describe some of the research on mindfulness and its potential benefits for a variety of mental health and medical populations.

Syllabus / Course Instructions

  • This course is suitable for CE for beginning, intermediate and advanced level clinicians.
  • The Course consists of reading the selected book, successfully completing an online posttest and filling out a course evaluation.
  • The printed book or ebook is not included. It must be purchased separately. We have supplied a link to for your convenience.
  • Purchasing your course will give you access to both a printable copy of the test and an online version of the test. Print the test to use as a companion as you read the book and answer the questions.
  • You cannot exit the online test once you begin, so have your answers available.
Additional Resources On This Site for CE

Bio: Linda E. Carlson, PhD, RPsych

Linda E. Carlson, PhD, is the holder of the Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology. She is the director of the Alberta Complementary Therapy and Integrative Oncology (ACTION) Centre and is director of research and a clinical psychologist at the Department of Psychosocial Resources at Cancer Care Alberta, where she has provided clinical service since 1997.

Dr. Carlson is coauthor of the book 'Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery: A Step-by-Step MBSR Approach to Help You Cope With Treatment and Reclaim Your Life'.. She has received numerous awards over the years, including a 'Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society of Behavioral Medicine' in 2023, and the Dr. Rogers Prize for 'Complimentary and Alternative Medicine 2023'. She was president of the 'Society of Integrative Oncology' from 2021 to 2023 and is co-editor-in- chief for he official IPOS journal , 'The Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research & Practice'.

Dr. Carlson regularly presents her work internationally, including talks across Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, China and Europe. She has published over 250 book chapters and research papers in peer-reviewed journals, holds millions of dollars in grant funding. She is a fellow of the Society for Behavioral Medicine and the Mind and Life Institute.

Her web site:

Bio: Shauna L. Shapiro, PhD

Shauna L. Shapiro, PhD, Shauna Shapiro, PhD, is a professor, author, and internationally recognized expert in mindfulness and compassion. Dr. Shapiro has published over 150 journal articles and book chapters, and co-authored three critically acclaimed books translated into 16 languages, including 'Rewire Your Mind: Discover the Science and Practice of Mindfulness'. Also, 'Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Practices for Greater Calm, Clarity & Joy'.

Her 2017 TEDx talk is rated one of the top 10 TED-talks on Mindfulness. View Dr. Shapiro's TEDx Talk

Dr. Shapiro has been invited to present her work to Fortune 100 Companies including Cisco Systems, Genentech and Google, as well as to the King of Thailand, the Danish government, Bhutan's Gross National Happiness Executive Committee, and the World Council for Psychotherapy in Beijing, China. Her work has been featured in Wired magazine, USA Today, Dr. Oz, Shape, the Huffington Post, Yoga Journal, and the American Psychologist.

Dr. Shapiro is the recipient of the American Council of Learned Societies teaching Award, acknowledging her outstanding contributions to education; and is a fellow of the Mind and Life Institute cofounded by the Dalai Lama.

Bio: Broderick A. Sawyer, PhD

Is a clinical psychologist, clinical trainer, speaker, consultant, and meditation teacher locate in Louisville, Kentucky. Along with peer-reviewed authorship and a small psychotherapy caseload, Dr. Sawyer's primary role is that of immersive clinical trainer and speaker in applied liberation psychology for the development of what he defines as "intersectional cultural competence" in mental health professionals.

Through his website (, Dr Sawyer trains, collaborates, and consults with mental health professionals and psychology training programs, with the goal of connecting the practices of minfulness and compassion to cultural competence, respect for diversity, and developing intersectional compassion to cultural attunement. He is an expert in mindfulness and cultural competence, he also has an 8-year Buddhist practice, was a former college basketball player, and formerly directed a racial trauma center at Genesee Valley Psychology. He is a prolific contributor to the field, amassing more than 180 speaking and training engagements and producing nearly 20 peer-reviewed publications. He is routinely invited as a guest contributor for media outlets. He has had numerous guest appearances on CNN.

Dr. Sawyer created liberation psychology and mindfulness-based modifications to traditional CBT, entitled "Liberated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" (CBT-L), published in 'The Behavior Therapist'. Based on his experiences as a Black man, doctoral training, and embodiment of ancient energy psychologies via Buddhist practice. Dr. Sawyer's work is driven by his conviction that the creation of a compassionate globe is possible, with being living in harmony as if no "others" fundamentally exist.